Methods of Selenium WebDriver Interfaces
Jun 25, 2021
Methods of SearchContext interface :
- findElement()
- findElements()
Methods of WebDriver interface :
- close()
- get()
- getTitle()
- getPageSource()
- getCurrentUrl()
- getWindowHandle()
- getWindowHandles()
- manage()
- navigate()
- quit()
- switchTo()
Methods of TakeScreenshot Interface:
- getScreenshotAs(args)
Methods of JavascriptExecutor interface :
- executeScript()
- executeAsyncScript() — we don't use this for automation
Methods of WebElement interface :
- clear()
- click()
- getAttribute()
- getCssValue()
- getLocation()
- getRect()
- getSize()
- getTagName()
- getText()
- isDisplayed()
- isEnabled()
- isSelected()
- sendKeys()
- submit()