Methods of Selenium WebDriver Interfaces


Methods of SearchContext interface :

  1. findElement()
  2. findElements()

Methods of WebDriver interface :

  1. close()
  2. get()
  3. getTitle()
  4. getPageSource()
  5. getCurrentUrl()
  6. getWindowHandle()
  7. getWindowHandles()
  8. manage()
  9. navigate()
  10. quit()
  11. switchTo()

Methods of TakeScreenshot Interface:

  1. getScreenshotAs(args)

Methods of JavascriptExecutor interface :

  1. executeScript()
  2. executeAsyncScript() — we don't use this for automation

Methods of WebElement interface :

  1. clear()
  2. click()
  3. getAttribute()
  4. getCssValue()
  5. getLocation()
  6. getRect()
  7. getSize()
  8. getTagName()
  9. getText()
  10. isDisplayed()
  11. isEnabled()
  12. isSelected()
  13. sendKeys()
  14. submit()



Sri Priya P Kulkarni
Sri Priya P Kulkarni

Written by Sri Priya P Kulkarni

SDET| Blogger! | Automation Enthusiast! | On a journey of Continuous learning.... !

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