Origin of Selenium

Selenium originated in 2004 by Jason Huggins at Thought Works. Jason was trying to figure out an easy way to automate testing of a time and expense web application.

When asked what name should be given to this tool, Jason gave a flippant, on-the-spot answer: the dominant product at the time was Mercury’s QuickTest Professional, so anyone who hated it and wanted to be “cured” would likely seek out the cure to Mercury poisoning… which is Selenium!

Selenium turned 20, Happy Birthday to Selenium🤩!!!

Happy to contribute and happy to see my name in the list 💫✨!!!

Thanks to Jason Huggins and Selenium for such a great opportunity of open source for the testing community!!!

Sri Priya P Kulkarni
Sri Priya P Kulkarni

Written by Sri Priya P Kulkarni

SDET| Blogger! | Automation Enthusiast! | On a journey of Continuous learning.... !

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