WBT & BBT…!!
What is White Box Testing?
Testing the each & every line of code is called as White Box Testing. Developers will do White Box Testing. Since the code is visible ,it is called as White Box Testing or Open Box Testing.
What is Black Box Testing?
Testing/ Verifying the functionality or behaviour of an application against customer requirement specification called as Black Box Testing or Functionality Testing or Behavioural Testing.
Testers will do Black Box Testing. Since the code is visible , it is called as Black Box Testing.
Below are the Differences between WBT & BBT:
White Box Testing
Black Box Testing
It is done before software is ready.
It is done after software is ready.
Code is visible
Code is not visible
Here, developer will test the logic of the code.
Here, tester will test the functionality or behaviour of the application.
To do WBT, programming knowledge is required.
To do BBT, programming knowledge is not required.
Developer will give the input to the source code & check the output according to Requirement specification.
Tester will give the input to the application or software & check the output according to the Requirement specification.